Saturday, November 8, 2014

LBC Airport Renovation

Long Beach Airport has done a good job of updating their pedestrian areas.  It still feels like an intimate space but sooooo much nicer.
Culver Median Park Design Concepts:
Pedestrian walkways can be elevated above rain-gardens and tree wells with the use of boardwalks.

Sugar House and Water-Wise

In the Salt Lake neighborhood of Sugar House, residents have created a series of terraced planted areas in their parkways and front yards that help to keep some of the rain water and snow-melt runoff from the nearby Wasatch mountain range.
Culver Median Park Design Concepts:
Terraced landscapes can help elevate the berm and create separation between bike path and walkway and infrastructure like bio-swales and creek-beds... 

Culver Median Park Design Concepts:
Varied planting sizes make for interesting layout and sound / privacy barriers, which will substantially increase the effectiveness of the berms ability to create a more calming and tranquil environment for pedestrians, pets, and residents.