Saturday, November 8, 2014

LBC Airport Renovation

Long Beach Airport has done a good job of updating their pedestrian areas.  It still feels like an intimate space but sooooo much nicer.
Culver Median Park Design Concepts:
Pedestrian walkways can be elevated above rain-gardens and tree wells with the use of boardwalks.

Sugar House and Water-Wise

In the Salt Lake neighborhood of Sugar House, residents have created a series of terraced planted areas in their parkways and front yards that help to keep some of the rain water and snow-melt runoff from the nearby Wasatch mountain range.
Culver Median Park Design Concepts:
Terraced landscapes can help elevate the berm and create separation between bike path and walkway and infrastructure like bio-swales and creek-beds... 

Culver Median Park Design Concepts:
Varied planting sizes make for interesting layout and sound / privacy barriers, which will substantially increase the effectiveness of the berms ability to create a more calming and tranquil environment for pedestrians, pets, and residents.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Moving Day Is Coming Too Soon

Making sound green decisions are usually a challenge, but even more so on moving day.  We are scheduled to close on Thursday and there’s a honey-do list of projects that need to be tackled before we’re able to feel safe and comfortable in our new space.

Originally uploaded by modman60

Google has an insanely cool 3D design program called SketchUp that has kept me from my usual 2 or 3 days wandering around the house dreaming up the best way to place furniture and art.  Those days saved planning the space, should be enough to put up new energy efficient windows in the front, and to get started on weatherizing the studio, and the attic space.

SketchUp is a free download, you can find it here.

You can also find a design community using Sketch Up for green projects at SketchUp - Go Green.